sábado, 12 de enero de 2008

kids say the darndest things....and them some

So two quick funny stories about this week.

Since this week was the first week of class since break, in my private lessons with the kids we were focusing on "What did Santa/ The Three Kings bring for Christmas?" My objective was to teach some vocuabulary for toys and gifts. So, I made them draw 5 gifts that they recieved, a few that their mommies recieved and a few that their daddies recieved. I am quite accustomed to fielding the "How do you say in English...?" questions, however, I was not prepared for what happened next. In a class of 4 boys (ages 7-9) three of the four drew undergarments for their mommies. The fun didn't stop there either. One of the mommies who was present during the class, instead of sinking into the couch of embarrasment, proudly went and fetched her reindeer thong to show all of us...a little show and tell....fun! So amongst the words videogames and interactive globe, I also had the pleasusre of teaching the boys "studded thong" (yeah, they described for me where the placement of the sparkly studs were) and "bikini bottoms." I think it is a lesson that these boys will wish they remembered in about 10 years.

In my class with two super cute 7 year old girls, we were also talking about Christmas presents. One of the girls spotted my engagement ring.
"oooh!" she said.
I respoded, "oh, do you like my new ring?"
She said "very much! Is it dum, dum, dum-dum ?" (humming the wedding march)
"Well actually, yes." I said
The girls dissolved into giggles and then proceded to give me advice as to where I should have the wedding. Maybe I will take Andrea's advice and get married in the Canary Islands.

3 comentarios:

Amanda dijo...

Ha ha ha! That is so adorable...the second story...the first one is just plain weird. I, too, think the Canary Islands are a good option. :)

Owen William dijo...

congrats jules on the engagement (yeah, I am late checking your blog and should have written this three blogs ago...sorry)!

Amanda dijo...

I miss Julie's blog! Are you still out there in blogger land?